After having collected all upgifter of communication, and then chosen strategy then you know what will happen and how. So, after research and strategy is complete, Kasen design & documentation.
Looking back now , the team has listened to the principal, received confirmation that you understood correctly what the mission is on the mission statement. further has within the team made a rough analysis of the possibilities for solutions , possibly presented those in the strategy and successfully passed on track. Now is the time to develop the product with the Strategy documents. Now there is further up work within the group.
We have taken out a compass direction and the whole group is now beginning the creative work the journey towards the goal. It is in this phase, you can practically start to perform things or begin to solve problems.
Now that the documentation of the solution begins to emerge, the opportunity for a lot of proposals for changes and improvements to arrive.
It's only now that everyone can see and feel the product / service. Then it's time to even test it on your target audience. Therefore, obtain empirical data for the final report to be returned to the client and course coordinators. Everything should of course be based on the contents of the adopted terms of reference and CSP, little change may be deleted, or to come from it. Tried sketches, wireframes and site- chart form the basis for production.
One way to be effective in the process is to divide the data. Retain group discipline by someone appointed as project manager and ensures times kept. Split the problem into smaller parts. The problem becomes too strenuous can allocate human resources so as not to get caught .
Iterative activities necessary