Cheating and plagiarism

It is important to read the following to understand what counts as cheating and plagiarism. Students bears the responsibility to know the rules that exist. It is also good to know that in case of suspicion of cheating the case is transferred directly to the higher instance.

How do you know if it's cheating?

Many students who cheat are actually not aware of it. Cheating can lead to suspension and as a student it is therefore good to know what counts as cheating. As a student, it is your responsibility to share information about what that is allowed and not allowed in the exam, essay and so on.

According to the legal text, it is sufficient that a student has tried to cheat in order for disciplinary action to be taken. The does not require the cheat to be completed. For example, it is enough to have notes with you for the exam with the intention of use them as help, whether you actually use the patches or not. To help someone else cheat is also considered cheating. You can thus be subject to disciplinary action if you let someone else copy your own answers, e.g. at the home exam, or if one incorrectly notes someone else as present at compulsory teaching.

In this course, the following is considered cheating

Plagiarism - when writing other people's texts without citing a source, or reproducing texts verbatim or almost verbatim without using quotation marks. However, quotations should be of a shorter nature and not long paragraphs or entire chapters. The there is no difference as to whether plagiarism comes from a physical or digital source.


Referring to a work is always allowed as it is not about copying or making the work available but rather to give your own description of a work's content. However, this applies provided that: the source is specified. Links to minutes + rules for web pages

Links about plagiarism and cheating at MDH /exam/vad-raknas-egentligen-som-fusk-1.3331

About the Disciplinary Board

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Anti-plagiarism guide:
