Group assignment - GRU1

GRU1, 5 credits, pass (G) and Distinction ( VG ) is given at this moment. This examination items linked to learning objectives 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11

The group assignment , which must be submitted at the end of the course consists of four parts

  • Report at least 10 A4 pages. The task shared by all in the group
  • Presentation than 15 minutes. The task shared by all in the group
  • Opposition, PM. The task shared by all in the group


Report - teamwork

The report must describe the design decisions made in the project.

We are interested in

  • sender (short)
  • audience and target market analysis
  • the communicative needs
  • design decisions that support demonstrated in literature
  • concepts used in the course readings will be used and explained
  • how the iteration of the design processen is fulfilled
  • lessons learned
  • experience from HISU and the phases

We are NOT interested in

  • diary entries as i.e. description of what happened in the group
  • improper use of terminologies or terminologies that are not explained

Presentation - teamwork

The presentation takes place in conjunction with the end of the course. Campus students present within the course. Distance students present over Skype or other agreed electronic media.

Opposition - teamwork

Reporting group gets opposition group assigned to it , to oppose on , 48 hours before self scanning. Opposition report shall describe opponents group name as well as the client and be about an A4 page.

  • on the communicative needs fulfilled
  • if and how design choices can be linked to literature

The opposition is submitted electronically to course responsible in conjunction with the presentation.

Individual part

In order to diversify the grades in the group work and to be able to distribute individual grades, if needed, instructions are as follows.

Each section of the report should have the author's name. It should be clear to read who has treated and wrote what.


The Communicative Needs - Anna Ax and Anders Aldrin


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Project Method - by Bengt Basun


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  • Write a Report. At least 10 pages. Face images and bibliography omitted.
  • least 10 references according to the given litterature as listed. References should first be retrieved from literature described but may also be obtained elsewhere if they are relevant and scrutinized.

Name the file (Word, PDF, RTF) as kit126_gru1_groupname.


Handin - First opportunity handin Monday, May 23, 2022 kl. 12.00

Submitted as described. Feedback on this submission will occur Tuesday, June 7, 2022 if handed in on time (holidays may prolongs this time).